[AmigaOS / ApolloOS Command Reference\ClickToFront] 


Format: CLICKTOFRONT [CX_PRIORITY <priority>] [QUALIFIER <qualifer>] Template: CX_PRIORITY/N/K, QUALIFIER/K Purpose: To bring a window to the front of the screen. Path: Extras:Tools/Commodities/ClickToFront Specification: CLICKTOFRONT allows you to bring a window to the front of the screen by double-clicking in it. You do not need to select the window's depth gadget. The CX_PRIORITY <priority> argument sets the priority of ClickToFront in relation to all the other Commodity Exchange programs. (This is the same as entering a CX_PRIORITY=<priority> Tool Type in the icon's Information window.) All the Commodity Exchange programs are set to a default priority of 0. If you specify a <priority> value higher than 0, ClickToFront will take priority over any other Commodity Exchange program. To start ClickToFront, double-click on its icon. It does not open a window. (Remember, you can also put ClickToFront in the WBStartup drawer so that it is automatically started each time you boot.) QUALIFIER allows you to specify a qualifier key that must be pressed while double-clicking in the window you want to bring to the front of the screen. The acceptable key arguments are: Lalt Left Alt Left_Alt Left Alt Ralt Right Alt Right_Alt Right Alt Ctrl Ctrl Control Ctrl None No key To exit ClickToFront when it has been started from the Shell, press Ctrl+C, or use the BREAK command.