[AmigaOS / ApolloOS Command Reference\DiskCopy] 


Format: DISKCOPY [FROM] <device> TO <device> [NAME <name>] [NOVERIFY] [MULTI] Template: FROM/A, TO/A, NAME/K, NOVERIFY/S, MULTI/S Purpose: To copy the contents of one disk to another. Path: SYS:System/DiskCopy Specification: The DISKCOPY command copies the entire contents of one volume to another. The <device> parameters specify the name of the disk devices to copy from and to copy to, for example, DF0: or DF1:. A floppy disk containing an altered icon can be displayed from the Workbench by removing the disk from the drive and reinserting it. By default, the destination disk will have the same name as the source disk. If you specify the NAME option, you can give the destination disk a different name from the source disk. Normally during a DISKCOPY, the Amiga copies and verifies each cylinder of data. The NOVERIFY option allows you to skip the verification process, making the copy faster. The MULTI option loads the data on the source disk into memory, allowing you to make multiple copies without having to read the data from the source disk each time. Example 1: 1> DISKCOPY DF0: to DF2: Copies the contents of the disk in drive DF0: to the disk in drive DF2: overwriting the contents of the disk in drive DF2: Example 2: 1> DISKCOPY DF0: to DF2: NAME NewDisk NOVERIFY Copies the contents of the disk in drive DF0: to the disk in drive DF2: and gives the disk in drive DF2: the name NewDisk. The disk will not be verified as it is copied.