[AmigaOS / ApollOS Command Reference\Locale] 


Format: LOCALE [FROM <filename>] [EDIT] [USE] [SAVE] [PUBSCREEN <public screen name>] Template: FROM, EDIT/S, USE/S, SAVE/S, PUBSCREEN/K Purpose: To allow choice of languages available on system. Path: SYS:Prefs/locale Specification: LOCALE allows you to choose the languages you want to use in your system. The default setting is USA English; however, you can choose from a number of other languages. The Locale editor allows you to select your country of origin, your time zone, and your preferred languages. When you install your workbench software, you choose the languages that you want available on your system. LOCALE without any arguments or with the EDIT argument opens the Locale editor. The FROM argument lets you specify a file to open. This must be a file that was previously saved with the Save As menu item of the Locale editor. For example, if you have saved a special configuration of the Locale editor to a file in the Presets drawer, you can use the FROM argument to open that file. If the USE switch is also given, the editor will not be opened, but the settings in the FROM file will be used. If the SAVE switch is given the editor will not open, but the settings in the FROM file will be saved. Full information on localization is given in Using the Amiga Worhbench Manual.