[AmigaOS / ApolloOS Command Reference\RequestFile]REQUESTFILE
Format: REQUESTFILE [DRAWER <drawer name>] [FILE <file>] [PATTERN <pattern>] [TITLE <title>] [POSITIVE <text>) [NEGATIVE <text>] [ACCEPTPATTERN <pattern>] [REJECTPATTERN <pattern>] [SAVEMODE) [MULTISELECT] [DRAWERSONLY] [NOICONS] [PUBSCREEN <public screen name>] Template: DRAWER, FILE/K, PATTERN/K, TITLE/K, POSITIVE/K, NEGATIVE/K, ACCEPTPATTERN/K, REJECTPATTERN/K, SAVEMODE/S, MULTISELECT/S, DRAWERSONLY/S, NOICONS/S, PUBSCREEN/K Purpose: To allow AmigaDOS and ARexx scripts to use the ASL file requester. Path: C:REQUESTFlLE Specification: REQUESTFILE allows AmigaDOS and ARexx scripts to use the ASL file requester. The DRAWER argument specifies the initial contents of the Drawer gadget The FILE option specifies the initial contents of the File gadget. The PATTERN option allows the use of a standard AmigaDOS pattern. It specifies the initial contents of the Pattern gadget. If this option is not provided, the file requester will not have any Pattern gadget. The TITLE option specifies the title of the requester. The POSITIVE option specifies the text to appear in the positive (left) choice in the file requester. The NEGATIVE option specifies the text to appear in the negative (right) choice in the file requester. The ACCEPTPATTERN option specifies a standard AmigaDOS pattern. Only files matching this pattern will be displayed in the file requester. The REJECTPATTERN option specifies a standard AmigaDOS pattern. Files matching this pattern will not be displayed in the file requester. If SAVEMODE is specified, the requester will operate in save mode. If MULTlSELECT is specifed, the requester will allow multiple files to be selected at once. If DRAWERSONLY is specifed, the requester will not have a File gadget. This effectively turns the file requester into a directory requester. If NOICONS is specified, the requester will not display icons (.info files). The selected files are returned on the command line, enclosed in double quotes and separated with spaces. The command generates a return code of 0 if the user selected a file, or 5 if the user cancelled the requester. REQUESTFILE is valid on Workbench 3.0 level software.