[AmigaOS / ApollOS Command Reference\SetDate] 


Format: SETDATE <file|pattern> [<date>] [<time>] [<ALL>] Template: FILE/A, WEEKDAY, DATE, TIME, ALL/S Purpose: To change a file or directory's timestamp. Path: C:SETDATE Specification: SETDATE changes the timestamp (date and time of creation or last change) of a file or directory. SETDATE <file> changes the date/time of the file to the current system date/time. SETDATE ALL changes the date and time of all the files in the specified directory. SETDATE does not affect the software or hardware clocks. The output of the DATE command may be used as input to SETDATE. Example 1: 1> SETDATE TestFile Changes the date and time associated with TestFile to the current date and time. Example 2: 1> SETDATE TestFile 16-09-89 15:25:52 Changes the date and time associated with TestFile to September 16, 1989, 3:25 p.m. See also: DATE