[AmigaOS / ApolloOS Command Reference\Version] 


Format: VERSION [<library|device|file>][<version #>] [<revision #>] [<unit #>] Template: NAME, VERSION/N, REVISION/N, UNIT/N, FILE/S, INTERNAL/S, RES/S, FULL/S Purpose: To find software version and revision numbers. Path: C:VERSION Specifcation: VERSION finds the version and revision number of a library, device, command, or Workbench disk. VERSION can also test for a specific version/revision and set the condition flags if the version/revision is greater. This is useful in scripts. VERSION with no <library|device|file> argument prints the Kickstart version number and the Workbench version number and sets the environment variables. If a name is specified, version attempts to open the library, device, drive, or file and read the version information. You can get the version of the filesystem by specifying a drive name, such as DF0: or DH0:. When a <version #> (and possibly a <revision #>) is specified, VERSION sets the condition flag to 0 if the version (and revision) number of the Kickstart, library, or device driver is greater than or equal to the specifed values. Otherwise, the flag is set to 5 (WARN). (lf a revision number is not specified, no comparison on the revision number is performed.) The <unit #> option allows you to specify a unit number other than 0. This may be necessary for accessing multi-unit devices. The FILE option forces VERSION to inspect the object as a file, even if it is a library or device. The INTERNAL and RES options let you get the version of the Internal and Resident commands, respectively. Built-in Shell commands will have the same version string as the Shell itself. INTERNAL can also be used to find the version of a RAM module (library or drive) without opening the device or library. The FULL option prints out the complete version string, including the date. Examples: 1> VERSION Kickstart version 39.92 Workbench version 39.1 1> VERSION Prefs/Font Prefs/Font version 38.21